Many people may think that hashtag is a phrase after the # sign added randomly on social networks. However, for communication and sales marketing campaigns, hashtags play an extremely important role. In this article, Optimalmk will help you learn more about what a hashtag is? Can hashtags have capital letters?
Can hashtags have capital letters?
Since you can’t break up your hashtag with punctuation, using uppercase letters can make it easier for people to read when scanning a long hashtag. If your hashtag is a single word, you don’t need to worry about uppercase letters—otherwise, uppercase letters in hashtags are essential to making them easier to read. Platforms aren’t case-sensitive, so readability is king here, meaning #learningabouthashtags and #LearningAboutHashtags will return identical results.
Use Hashtags on Instagram and Twitter
Twitter is the place to build hashtags, and Instagram uses hashtags as a form of identity and search. Use hashtags on these platforms.
Does that mean you shouldn’t use hashtags on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Pinterest?
Not necessarily. All three platforms support hashtags, they’re just less common and have different levels of effectiveness.
Use fewer hashtags on Facebook than on Twitter or Instagram.
As a good network, LinkedIn is not the place to use hashtags. Stick to two to three hashtags that are highly specific to your industry.
Pinterest made some important changes in 2018. Hashtags show NEW content, not necessarily all of it. If you have a time-limited pin, you can use up to 20 hashtags per pin. However, due to Pinterest’s character limit, most pins use only a couple or none at all.
Snapchat doesn’t support hashtags, so don’t use them for anything other than funny captions.
Create a Branded Hashtag for Your Business
First, search for #YourBusinessName on Twitter or Instagram. Your desired hashtag may already be taken by another business. If so, try adding a different identifier to make your hashtag unique. A good option is to add a city name/nickname or a popular three-letter moniker (e.g., AVL for Asheville, HVL for Hendersonville, or QueenCity for Charlotte).
For example, #AmazingFlorist may already be taken, but #AmazingFloristAVL may be available.
Add your branded hashtag to each post to help customers find you.
Note: Technically, there’s nothing stopping you from leveraging the diversity of other businesses’ hashtags. Not only that, it’s not cheap social media behavior — at worst, it’s tantamount to smart theft — and can attract unwanted negative attention.
Don’t Use Hashtags for the Purpose of Increasing Followers
On Instagram in particular, some hashtags are used to indicate that if someone “likes” your post or follows your account, you’ll reciprocate. Examples include #l4l (or #likeforlike) and #f4f (#followforfollow).
Click on these hashtags and you’ll quickly see why you shouldn’t use them. Follow-for-follow tags are often filled with adult content.
For many small businesses, quality is more important than quantity when it comes to likes and followers on social media. If you have 25,000 followers but they’re all overseas or your account has non-responsive content, that number is just a vanity metric. Avoid using these hashtags altogether.
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