Seeding is a familiar definition to those working in the field of Marketing. When creating good content, a new idea for your Marketing campaign, it is impossible not to skip the Seeding step to attract customers to be interested in the brand. Please add Optimalmk to evaluate what Seeding is and leave a comment on Digital marketing to achieve effectiveness in the article below.
How to Digital marketing leave a comment?
We recommend leaving comments on other blogs. Good comments will attract traffic.
We and many other experts advise beginner bloggers that if you want to increase traffic to your blog, leave your blog and spend 10-15 minutes reading and commenting on posts. Other blogs on the same topic or industry you are interested in.
If you leave great comments, bloggers/blog creators will know who you are and visit your blog to analyze you.
Comment to build relationships and promote discussion, not to build connections. Always build value!
How to plan seeding when doing Digital marketing
To create a good Seeding, you need to understand what Seeding is and follow this model to have a standard plan. This model is divided into 5 letters corresponding to each item based on the AISAS model, a model that monitors customer behavior in the “extreme” development of digital technology today, created by Dentsu with target A. (Attention), I (Interest), S (Search), A (Action), S (Share).
Specifically, AISAS simulation is divided into the following 3 processes:
Brand recognition (Awareness stage)
This process is often applied to new products or services that are about to be launched on the market. Therefore, seeding content needs to attract the attention, impression and interest of users.
Increase emotional value (Emotion Stage)
During this process, seeders often create conversations and discussions related to the brand, with stories related to the brand. According to experts, the most effective way is to write brand reviews skillfully and gently. In fact, articles sharing personal feelings often receive a lot of sympathy from internet users, making them more trusting and loyal.
Action Stage
This is the time to decide on the purpose of converting online users to offline. This also means that seeder has built trust with users, making them feel good about the brand, leading to referral or purchase action. Reality shows that the main activity of this period is sharing. This also helps increase searches on Google, while contributing to pushing keywords to high rankings on search engines.
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