Are you a business owner? Do you do marketing on social media? Do you promote your personal brand? Whoever you are, the ultimate goal that makes you Review How to place ads on your YouTube videos and get paid or YouTube Ads is definitely because you own a product or service that needs to be marketed. Then you have come to the right advertising platform and the right place that can help you do this well! Let’s get started right away in Optimalmk article!
How to put ads on your YouTube videos and get paid
To be able to attach ads to your YouTube channel, the channel owner will need to go to YouTube Studio and click on Monetization to start linking to your Google AdSense account. Then just complete the payment notification topics and submit the application.
If you are successfully registered for AdSense on YouTube, the channel owner can go to YouTube Studio again and select the YouTube Partner Program to confirm and register and choose the advertising formats you want to appear in your videos.
Attaching ads to YouTube is not enough, you need to optimize YouTube PR to bring the best results.
Ways to advertise on YouTube videos
Skippable In-stream Ads
This form of advertising on YouTube also has a more familiar original name, TrueView in-stream – real views because buyers often have to actually watch the ad for the unit to be charged in this form.
Form: skippable video ads after 5 seconds
- Video length: no limit on video length, but suitable videos are between 12 – 60 seconds.
- Bidding form: CPV, tCPM, tCPA and maximize conversions.
- suitable marketing criteria:
- Increase brand awareness,
- Reach customers during the consideration process
- Increase conversions
- Increase brand video views
- Cultivate personal or organizational YouTube channels
- Payment methods:
With the CPV bidding strategy, you pay when a viewer watches 30 seconds of your video (or the full length of the video if it is shorter than 30 seconds) or interacts with your video, whichever comes first.
There are Target CPM, Target CPA, and Maximize Conversions bidding strategies, where you pay based on the number of impressions.
Non-skippable In-stream Ads
This is a form of advertising on Youtube that has the same operating method as Skippable In-stream advertising with the most important difference being the “Cannot skip ads” feature
- Format: non-skippable promotional video
- Video length: 15s
- Bidding form: CPM
- Appropriate marketing target: increase brand awareness.
- Effectiveness Evaluation Index: Reach, Impression, Video Views, CPM.
In-feed Video Advertising
In-feed advertising has the old name Discovery Video or Video Discovery Ads.
- Format: Thumbnail image + text.
- Bidding form: CPV
- Appropriate marketing target: increase brand awareness, increase brand weight and increase video views
- Effectiveness Evaluation Index: Video Views.
Contact Info
Are you in need of Facebook advertising or need to rent a quality Facebook advertising account? Don’t worry! Rentfb is a unit specializing in providing reputable Facebook accounts, as well as direct advertising support. Provides all types of advertising accounts such as facebook gambling ads to help you reach and create fast conversions.