After 45 days from the date of receiving the card, if the customer does not activate, the credit card will be temporarily locked. In this case, the customer will not be able to make any transactions or payments. To be able to use the card for advertising spending, customers can in one visa commercial card activation of the following ways from Optimalmk.
What is a business visa card?
A commercial visa is a type of visa issued to foreigners to enter a country for the purpose of engaging in investment activities, expanding business or carrying out commercial activities. According to the law in Vietnam, the duration of a commercial visa can be 1 month, 3 months or 1 year, and can allow single or multiple entries.
What is a commercial visa card used for?
Below are some common purposes for which commercial Visa cards are often used:
- Payment for goods and services: Commercial Visa cards allow businesses to pay costs related to purchasing products, using services and other expenses related to daily business operations. Surname.
- Spend management: By using a commercial Visa card, businesses can easily track and manage their expenses. Transactions are recorded in detail in financial reports, making budget and financial management more efficient.
- Travel and business expenses: Commercial Visa cards provide convenience in paying expenses related to travel, business and other expenses for business employees.
- Integration with electronic payment systems: Commercial Visa cards can often integrate with electronic payment systems, helping businesses make payments online or via mobile applications conveniently and quickly. quickly.
- Benefits and incentives: Many commercial Visa cards come with promotions, incentives or business support services such as insurance, customer support services and point reward programs.
In short, commercial Visa cards play an important role in helping businesses manage their finances and conduct daily business transactions easily and flexibly.
Visa commercial card activation
Visa cards are a popular choice for running ads on Facebook, especially debit or credit cards. Below are instructions on how to make a Visa card to use for advertising purposes on Facebook, for each type of card.
How to make a Visa Debit payment card
To get a Visa debit card to run ads on Facebook, you can follow these steps:
- Prepare documents and cash: First, prepare necessary documents such as ID card/CCCD or passport, and cash to pay the card fee.
- Go to the bank: Go to the nearest bank branch, choose banks like Sacombank, Techcombank, or Vietcombank, and register for a Visa Debit card (international debit card).
- Register to open a card: Get your order number at the transaction counter and wait for your turn. When your order number arrives, register to open a card according to the instructions of the bank staff.
- Waiting to receive the card: After completing registration, the time to receive the card is usually from 7 to 14 days, depending on the issuing bank.
- Check and activate the card: Check the information on the card, especially activate the card to be able to use international payments.
How to make a visa credit card to run Facebook ads
You can open a Visa card to run ads on Facebook both online and offline, the following steps help you do this:
- Access the banking application: First, access the application of the bank where you want to open a card and select “Credit Cards”, then click “Register”.
- Choose to register online: Next, Select the online registration section.
- Fill in information: Fill in the desired limit for your card.
- Select savings book: Click on the savings book associated with your account.
- Enter address: Finally, fill in address that you want to get a card, you can usually get it for free.
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