Increasing the number of likes on Facebook quickly and for free is not too difficult if you know how to apply the effective tricks below. This article from Optimalmk will introduce you to methods and tools to increase the number of likes, thereby helping your Facebook page become more popular.
Learn about Facebook likes
When someone likes a piece of content (post, image, video) on Facebook, it could be because:
- They find the content funny.
- They agree with the content.
- They may find the content interesting in some way.
- They are fans of a particular brand (or page). Or simply just because… they like that content.
- However, in many cases, the Like button on Facebook doesn’t really fully express what you want to express.
Increase like Facebook for free
Integrate Facebook like button on website and blog
Integrating the Facebook like button on the website can generate quality likes from visitors. When they visit your website or blog, this shows they are interested in your content. The fact that they voluntarily like Facebook also means they want to receive updates from you.
In addition, placing the like icon in the title of the website is also important. Although this like button may not generate a large amount of likes immediately, it will help you get new likes every day. It’s important that it lasts without affecting your content or conflicting with other programs on your site.
Introduce fanpage from email
Introducing fanpage via email is also an effective way. You can send an email introducing your fanpage to your customer email list from the website and invite them to visit and give comments.
Or you can add the Fanpage badge icon to your email signature without causing offence to customers. goods.
Encourage fans to tag friends in photos
Encouraging fans to tag friends in photos is an effective way to increase interaction on your fanpage. When organizing or participating in events or programs, take many photos and post them on your fanpage or collect photos that reflect the general mood, inviting fans to indicate their location in the photo.
When fans tag themselves or friends into the photo, they feel important and proud about being part of the photo. This helps your photos and fanpage spread across news feeds, reach more users and increase likes naturally.
Providing free content
Providing free ebooks is also a useful strategy to attract users to like your fanpage, especially in the B2B sector. Free ebooks and articles can increase interest from customers and create conditions for them to like your fanpage.
Post the video to your fanpage and embed it on your website
Posting videos directly to your fanpage and embedding them on your website is an effective way to create a special connection with your fanpage. Usually, people have the habit of posting videos on YouTube and then sharing them on Facebook. However, this can cause you to miss an important opportunity to interact with your fanpage.
When the video is posted directly on the fanpage and embedded on the website, on the upper left corner of the video frame will appear a Reminder button encourages users to like your fanpage. This helps increase the ability to attract attention and interaction from viewers.
Contact Info
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