For people starting to run their own Facebook ads, what is the media budget they should set, and how can they increase or reduce their budget effectively? In this article, based on the experience of promoting its own services, Optimalmk would like to summarize the experience and share with you the content on request a daily spend limit increase . Hope this article is useful to everyone.
What is the daily spend in advertising?
The daily spending limit is the maximum amount you can pay for a campaign on a specific day. For most campaigns, the daily spending limit is an amount calculated by multiplying the average daily budget by 2.
Request a daily spend limit increase
Factors that can affect your daily budget:
Most advertisers will have an initial daily spending limit set by Meta on their advertising account. Daily spending limits usually increase automatically when you:
- Building a history of dissemination.
- Comply with our promotional policies.
- Spend up to (or close to) your limit.
Your daily spending can be readjusted by Meta if:
- You have a new business, advertising account, Page or application.
- You violate our PR Standards or other terms and policies.
- You have other ad or account problems, such as low ad quality ratings or your Page/app receiving a good feedback score.
How to increase your daily spending limit
Your daily spending limit will automatically increase as you build your advertising history, comply with our advertising policies and spend up to (or close to) your limit.
Meta can allow some advertisers to increase their daily spend more quickly. If eligibility is enhanced, you will see information in the Payment Settings section. If you have reached your daily spending limit and are not eligible for an increase, you will have to wait for the limit to reset at 00:00 in your ad account’s time zone.
Change spending for your ad account
Tips for changing spending limits for advertising accounts:
- Go to the Payment Settings section of Ads Manager. The system may suggest you re-enter your password.
- Scroll to the stop spending section for your account, then click .
- Click change.
- Enter new spending stop.
- Click Save.
- Click Done to confirm stopping new spending on your advertising account.
Contact Info
You need a Facebook advertising account but don’t know any reputable provider. Coming to
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