A fairly large data set helps you know what factors Google’s search engine rankings include and what their weight is, thereby helping you focus on optimization to get the best results. in 2023. So what are search engine journal ranking factors See information shared about Optimalmk below.
What is Search engine journal ranking factors?
Google’s ranking factors are the goals that search engines use to determine the best rankings for your search. These factors can be related to website content, development technologies, user experience, backlinks, etc. that search engines consider important.
Search engine journal ranking factors
Click-through rate (CTR)
Click through rate (CTR) is the click/click rate. In Google Adwords and Facebook Ads, the CTR index measures the ratio of ad clicks to impressions of that ad.
In SEO, the CTR index is simply the ratio of people clicking on a link to the total number of times this link is displayed.
How to calculate CTR in SEO: CTR = (Total number of clicks on the link) / (Total number of impressions)
CTR calculation formula in Adwords: CTR = (Total number of ad clicks) / (Total number of impressions)
Some ways to increase CTR:
- Create an attractive headline.
- Optimize meta description.
- Include keywords in title and meta description. Display Sitelinks.
- Display Breadcrumb (navigation bar) on Google Search.
Bounce Rate:
Bounce rate or page bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who only visit one page on the website, then leave immediately without clicking on any other content.
Traffic :
Traffic is a term in SEO that represents the number of customer visits and activities on your website. And higher traffic or traffic is also a signal to help you get better results in the SEO process.
The most important criteria in a digital marketing campaign is to increase traffic, increase conversion rates and achieve revenue. Even if you have thousands of traffic every day but can’t convert them into sales or turn buyers into potential customers, all your efforts are in vain.
Even if you don’t have a lot of traffic. for your website, but most of this traffic that converts into leads or sales will be low traffic.
Page loading speed (PAGE SPEED)
Page speed has been a ranking factor since 2010 when it impacted 1% of desktop searches. And that changed in 2018 when Google expanded its ranking factors to mobile searches.
Even though it only had a 1% impact, improving a website’s loading speed is very important and a key competitive factor. other competitors in google search rankings.
The main purpose of improving page loading speed is to improve user experience when entering your website. Good page speed and useful content will keep users coming back to the website, which can lead to potential users.
Customer experience
Google wants to rank content that provides visitors with a positive experience. And this became clearer when in 2016, Google announced that pages with interstitial ads (e.g. pop-up pages) may not rank as highly as pages that provide a user experience. Better to use.
In Google’s SEO guide, it also says: You should build a website to benefit your customers and any optimization will aim to make Better customer experience.
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