The maximum duration for videos on Facebook stories is 30 seconds. But what if you want to post a longer video? This article by Optimalmk will share with you how to post videos of any length to Facebook stories without worrying about being cut, as well as what is the most optimal way to tell a story?
What is a video story?
Stories are an additional feature on Facebook, first appearing in 2017 and increasingly developed with new features such as inserting music and icons.
Stories allow you to share images, words, text and short videos as public content within 24 hours, which will then be stored in the application’s database. You can also mark as featured news so the Story appears at the top of your personal page.
What is the most optimal way to tell a story?
Use the Messenger app
- Step 1: access the Messenger application and open any chat. Then click on the image icon below the toolbar. Select the Video you want to post a story longer than 26 seconds. Then, click Edit.
- Step 2: After editing, click on your News section to share the video to Facebook Story. A notification will appear asking if you want to add it to your story. Click Add to have the video shared on the Story.
Use Facebook/Facebook Lite
- Step 1: Click on the file manager or gallery app on your smartphone, select the video to post to the story. You need to click on the sharing feature or press the send button (depending on your device) for that video.
- Step 2: Choose to share to your News and click share now to confirm the post.
- Step 1: Download and install MonokaiToolkit to your computer.
- Step 2: Access Facebook and create a story with any content. Then upload 1 more video to your personal page, this is also the video you want to post a story with at a constant length.
- Wait for the upload process to complete, right-click on the video > Show video url and copy the link in the dialog box that appears.
- Step 3: Open the utility installed in step 1 by clicking the MonokaiToolkit icon next to the contact bar and selecting manage features.
- Step 4: In the right column of the newly opened website, select the Post unlimited stories feature. Next, paste the video URL copied in step two into the Video ID/URL box and click the Post button.
Contact Info
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